As an advertising agency it is our business to put your brand in front of the consumer through a variety of platforms and mediums to drive them to purchase.

These tactics include digital marketing, which entails placing your ad all over the Internet in a targeted and strategic manner. However, in recent years, there have been a number of steps taken to decrease the amount of advertising clutter on the Internet, and now some major companies are stepping in to leave their mark.

What is ad blocking though?

It is the act of blocking designated advertisements from appearing in your browser (mobile or desktop) and prevents companies from tracking your online behavior via “cookies” and prevents domains from leaving viruses or malware on your device. You may be thinking “wow, this is fantastic!”, but let’s look at it from the perspective of the advertiser.

Digital marketing, Internet advertising, Mobile marketing, etc… is a multi-billion-dollar industry that employs thousands of people and funds thousands of companies around the globe. Its sole objective is to place relative content in front of interested consumers as they search the Internet. As competition, and technological capabilities, has increased over the years these tactics have become increasingly more aggressive and the consumer begged for mercy. This mercy came in the form of ad blocking software and restrictions/regulations set forth by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) & FTC (Federal Trade Commission).

Companies such as Google & Facebook (both of which are funded by advertising revenue) have introduced measures to reduce the amount of advertising clutter as well as invasive advertising tactics employed by agencies and brands. We constantly monitor and adjust to the ever-changing advertising landscape to ensure that our clients are not flagged or blocked by viewers because of the content conveyed or method in which ads are delivered.

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