Blink Blog


The power of change comes in all forms. Few have been as swift as the changes we’ve seen in the past few months. From how we adjust our lives as we work from home or go to the store while wearing face masks, to combatting deep racial injustice, and now, even questioning if we should advertise on Facebook. It used to be that we took on these issues one at a time, but now we are dealing with them all at once.

Our advertising community and its clients have banded together to combat one channel where it all seems to come to a head – Facebook. It is a channel to which many brands have gravitated towards because of the captive audience. Now, because of the vitriol, toxicity of politics and fact vs. fiction, we have found ourselves at a crossroad to which many advertisers simply want to take a stand, distance their brands from the negativity, and align themselves as advocates to help enact positive changes within our society.

Your business or organization may be considering scaling back its advertising efforts on Facebook. We’ve guided our clients onto many digital platforms over the years and have seen success in their presence and performance on other channels. There are social and digital alternatives with just as many metrics and tools to measure performance and most of all, align your messaging to where your target audiences are spending their online time.

If you feel the winds of change or your moral compass is steering you away from Facebook, don’t hesitate to contact us and create a strategy to best navigate additional digital and social media platforms.

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